
Why is it so complicated?

Why is money easy for some to attain - just not YOU?

How is it that some people seem to be able to create money, and the life of their dreams, virtually out of thin air, while others struggle their entire lives and never get ahead? The powerful philosophy of Manifest Money Now! will show you that money in and of itself isn’t the elusive, evasive currency we’ve built it up to be in our  minds. 

Money is a form of energy that you can attract and channel into your life. The bottom line is when it comes to creating money, or really anything you want, you need to blast through the energy of your pre-conceived notions and limitations about what you can truly allow yourself to have. Once you strip these limitations away, you can access the powerful and vibrant life force energy of your spirit, which knows no limits and can manifest instantaneously. 

Are you tired of being stuck in a rut, doing the same old thing and running up against the same old blocks that keep you from making the kind of money you really want? Are you fed up with hearing about the incredible wealth other people are raking in, while you’re just sitting on the sidelines? If so, Heal Your Relationship with Money is the course for you!

In Heal Your Relationship with Money...

Debra and Krishanti will teach you uber-powerful techniques to magnetize wealth into your life. Each lesson in this comprehensive 8-week program is designed to help you shift your energetic frequency through powerful energy healing meditations, writing exercises, and a variety of effective creative visualization techniques that can be used every day. Highlights include:

  • Clarifying your money-related goals

  • Identifying your roadblocks to creating money

  • Healing your spirit-body connection so you can manifest with ease

  • Creating alignment in all areas of your life

  • Blasting through subconscious money-related limitations

  • Healing the negative influences that others hold over your ability to succeed

  • Manifesting within the organizations with which you work

  • Separating yourself from the “gloom and doom” financial outlook of the economy

Course curriculum

    1. Lesson 1: Clarifying Your Money-Related Goals

    2. Lesson 1 Homework: Infusing yourself with the Energy of God Meditation

    3. Lesson 2: Identifying Your Roadblocks to Creating Money

    4. Lesson 2 Homework: Increasing Your Self-Esteem to Attract Money

    5. Lesson 2 Homework - Additional Self-Esteem Energy Healing Exercise

    6. Lesson 3: Money and the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

    7. Lesson 3 Homework: Adjusting Your Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

    8. Lesson 4: Creating Alignment in All Areas of Your Life

    9. Lesson 4 Homework: Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energies

    10. Lesson 4 Homework: Minimizing Resistance

    11. Lesson 5: How High are you Willing to Go?

    12. Lesson 5 Homework: Healing Your Havingness

    13. Lesson 6: Others are Affecting your Ability to Succeed

    14. Lesson 6 Homework: How others Impact Your Creations

    15. Lesson 7: Manifesting Within the Organizations You Work With

    16. Lesson 7 Homework: Running Your Own Energy

    17. Lesson 8: You and the Economy

    18. Lesson 8 Homework: Separating Yourself from the Economy

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Debra Lynne Katz

A renowned psychic and educator, Debra Lynne Katz is the author of You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading & Healing; Extraordinary Psychic; and Freeing the Genie Within. Debra’s mission is to show people that psychic abilities are not rare, or unique to a few gifted individuals: they are as natural as reading and writing. Through her books, group training, private sessions, and The International School of Clairvoyance (a school Debra founded) she is helping individuals from all over the world to tap into their innate psychic powers. Debra holds a Ph.d., a Master’s Degree in Social Work, a B.A. in psychology and resides on the Oregon coast.

Krishanti Wahla

Krishanti is a teacher and intuitive who helps students and clients make decisions, resolve long-standing issues, and re-align their energies so they can achieve their goals and ultimately find greater happiness and fulfillment in all areas of life. She creates transformative courses and guided meditations. For free informative videos on intuition and energy healing, follow her Youtube channel at

This is the answer you're seeking!

Money is energy. We'll help you shift it.

Stop running on the same old treadmill, watching your lifelong dreams fade into the background. Take charge of your destiny and begin creating the life you really want to live. Start today by enrolling in Heal Your Relationship with Money and develop the skills you need to attract money into your life.