Are you wasting your precious time thinking about HIM? Wondering if HE’s thinking about you? And pining for the life to two of you once shared – a life that’s GONE and NOT coming back?

Are you sick of being held prisoner by these obsessive thoughts? And dreaming of an escape?

It’s time to pull the ripcord and parachute out of this drama – Into a happier, healthier, more productive life.

A life with the mental, emotional, and spiritual space to magnetize a new love into your life. The love you deserve.

Get Him Off Your Mind is your Parachute!

This powerful lifeline has rescued thousands of women from the endless cycle of obsession, freeing their minds and lives from mental, emotional, and spiritual angst. And I’ve seen it work FIRSTHAND.

Hey there! I'm Krishanti, creator of Get Him Off Your Mind. I've been a professional Intuitive for over 10 years now. And I’ve counseled thousands of clients. In countless sessions, one issue consistently rises above all the rest – charging ahead of money, career, health, and all the rest. It’s the towering, tragic epidemic of women who absolutely CAN NOT get certain men off their minds. Women from all walks of life. All ages. All ethnic backgrounds. All different types of looks, levels of education, and income. There is NO immunity.

Regardless of their background – women all ask the same questions, in countless appointments, time and again:

  • Where is he right now?

  • What’s happening in his life?

  • Is he with someone else?

  • Is he thinking about me?

  • What does he think of me?

  • Will he ever call or text me again?

Watch Intro Video


The Problem Was So Prevalent, I Developed a Solution: The Get Him Off Your Mind Program.

I built this comprehensive 28-day program to give you the tools to break the spell. End the cycle. Reclaim your life. And GET HIM OFF YOUR MIND! This BOLD action plan for a brand-new you works by empowering you to:

  • KICK OUT the obsession, reconnect with the REAL YOU, and reclaim your life with a day-by-day empowering support system.

  • Re-boot your thought patterns to get your positive vibration bursting through the roof with POWERFUL, life-changing energetic techniques.

  • Re-program your subconscious mind and end the cycle of mindlessly obsessing about him with strategies that have proven overwhelmingly successful for thousands of women.

  • Slash the mental, spiritual, and energetic tethers binding you to him with a powerful tools to cut the cords of attachment.

  • Re-awaken your beautiful, powerful, and divine feminine energy with action plans to reclaim your personal, separate and unique identity.

  • Clear out the energetic “garbage” weighing you down like a billion bricks and closing your mind off from moving forward with mighty slate-clearing methods.

  • Receive the empathic support you need to guide you through the healing process via powerful guided meditations

Get Him Off Your Mind.

This course isn’t about the mistakes you may (or may not) have made, why he isn’t interested in you, or what you possibly could have done that delivered you to this point. It’s about breaking the spell he has over you, moving on with your life, and getting him off your mind ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Here’s a Breakdown of What's Included in Your 28-Day Reformation:

  • Day-by-day support to help you stay strong and focused on reaching your goal.

  • Powerful energetic techniques to create life-changing shifts in your thoughts and vibration.

  • Proven strategies to de-program and re-program your subconscious mind and end the cycle of mindlessly obsessing about him.

  • Tools to cut the cords of attachment and separate yourself mentally, spiritually, and energetically from him.

  • Steps to reclaim your personal, separate and unique identity, so you can re-discover your beautiful, powerful, divine feminine energy.

  • Methods to help you clear the slate, clearing out the energetic “garbage” that’s weighing you down and closing your mind off from moving on with your life.

  • My professional analysis of hundreds of clients coming to grip with this raging epidemic, revealing the #1 reason why millions of women are going through the exact same thing as you.

  • Powerful guided meditations with invaluable support to lead you through the healing process

Course Curriculum

    1. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 1

    2. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 2

    3. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 3

    4. Guided Meditation for Day 3

    5. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 4

    6. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 5

    7. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 6

    8. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 7

    9. Guided Meditation for Day 7

    1. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 8

    2. Guided Meditation for Day 8

    3. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 9

    4. Guided Meditation for Day 9

    5. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 10

    6. Guided Meditation for Day 10

    7. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 11

    8. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 12

    9. Guided Meditation for Day 12

    10. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 13

    11. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 14

    1. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 15

    2. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 16

    3. Guided Meditation for Day 16

    4. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 17

    5. Guided Meditation for Day 17

    6. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 18

    7. Guided Meditation for Day 18

    8. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 19

    9. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 20

    10. Get Him Off Your Mind - Day 21

    1. Get Him Off Your Mind - Lesson 22

    2. Guided Meditation for Day 22

    3. Get Him Off Your Mind - Lesson 23

    4. Get Him Off Your Mind - Lesson 24

    5. Guided Meditation for Day 24

    6. Get Him Off Your Mind - Lesson 25

    7. Get Him Off Your Mind - Lesson 26

    8. Get Him Off Your Mind - Lesson 27

    9. Get Him Off Your Mind - Lesson 28

    10. Guided Meditation for Day 28

    11. Closing Comments

About this course

  • $125.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Are you ready to end the obsession...

And get him off your mind once and for all? Then you've come to the right place!

What do Successful Graduates Have to Say about Get Him Off Your Mind?

Amazing Course.


“I really love this course – the readings, the meditations, the discussions, all of it! After only 11 days, I’m feeling better than before I got ever involved with the guy. It’s so empowering. I can feel the energy returning to me and away from him.”

Thank You!


“I wound up running into Him at a concert on the day I completed the final lesson! He offered up his seat and asked me “If I wanted to hang out.” 6 months ago I would have done it with no question. This time…I stayed put right where without a second thought. And it’s all due to your course! I plan to do it again…so many people with all kinds of obsessive thoughts could benefit from this. Thanks for what you do!”

A Miracle.


“Thanks so much. The course was a miracle.”



“Your 28 lesson course is changing my life, truly deeply changing — Thank you!”

I Feel Supported.


"I just did the 3rd assignment meditation and I felt freedom. I do believe it's an energetic thing it feels like a possession. And a test of karma from way back when. I feel really supported by this program. Thank you!"

Holy Cow!


"I am on lesson 24, the cord cutting lesson. Holy cow! Is all I can say. It's extremely powerful and I can tell you it feels like a weight lifts off of you when you're done. I promise. We are not given this life to give our days away to a man that isn't capable of loving us. Love yourself. That's the secret to healing your heart."

Bountiful Bonuses included in the Program:

  • A Library of Additional Channeled Energy Healing Meditations - $150 Value

    Guided meditations are one of the cornerstones of the Get Him Off Your Mind program. They have proven to be incredibly effective in healing mind, body, and spirit. In addition to the guided meditations included in the course, you'll also have access to a library of 10 channeled healing journeys. From working with star beings to archangels, these healing journeys will recalibrate your vibration and bring you back to wholeness and peace. This library is like a spa for your soul!

  • FREE Magnetize Your Soulmate MP3 Audio Course - $55 Value

    What better way to get over someone than to meet someone new? This easy-to-follow, hourlong workshop will illustrate several techniques designed to help you re-direct the energy you’re projecting, in order to literally magnetize yourself and become irresistible to your ideal mate.

What Kind of Woman do You Want to Be?

  • More Confident + Centered

    Aware of your value and only interested in a partner who sees that worth.

  • Liberated

    With the true freedom that comes from refusing to be tortured by a man who’s not good for you.

  • In Charge + Self-Directed

    Confident about what you want and focused on how to get it.

Get Him Off Your Mind is the KEY to becoming this kind of woman.

So, BE THAT WOMAN – And Get Him Off Your Mind! Stop waiting. End the suffering. And start LIVING!

Get Him Off Your Mind!

There's no need to suffer for days, weeks, and months, hoping things will change. Cut the cord and get him off your mind once and for all!